Sunday, May 13, 2012

Fariba's Journal Entry

This drawing is a representation of what the main character Kien sees in the small mirror on page 70 of Bao Ninh's novel The Sorrow of War. Kien explains that he is astonished by seeing his reflection. I chose to draw this picture because it represents the physical changes caused by the war on Kien and how he cannot bear to look at himself in the face. His reflection shows greyed hair, wrinkles and circles under his eyes. These physical attributes were more likely brought on by no sleep, excessive stress and other physical and mental hardships of the war. The mental hardships Kien endured, such as the horrible memory of his love Phuong's rape, caused him to drink himself into a drunkard state of being.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I really like that you drew Kien because he seems so disconnected and ghost-like throughout the novel. Kien's appearance not thoroughly looked at, but I think it's important to; he's not THAT old, but he looks aged and worn down probably because of his experiences in the war.


  3. Your drawing of Kien is chilling. While reading the novel, I envisioned Kien with sunken eyes, a dead expression, gaunt cheeks, and an overall hopeless expression. The sorrows of war have turned Kien from an able-bodied man into a haggard and tortured soul. As Sapna pointed out, Kien's appearance isn't thoroughly looked at and your drawing is a good reminder of the pain, suffering, and hardships that have been brought upon him.


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  5. This drawing captures the intense emotion in Kien's face while he views his reflection in the mirror. The eyes in particular show the pain that he holds in his heart, and the hardships that he endures. His facial expression expresses how he is feeling inside, and this drawing is a great representation of his struggle.


  6. Kien seems to be trying to look at himself and what he finds is that, he can not even recognize who he has become. Due to war and the chain of events that happened before the war, Kien seemed like a man who had the best of the world however when he returns, his life has fallen apart and he feels disconnected with himself and the world around him.

  7. Kien is shocked to see how much his appearance has changed in such a small period of time. His psychological hardships are causing him physical ailments. He is literally unable to bottle up what he feels as it is bleeding out into his superficial being, inevitably making others take not of how much he is suffering internally.



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