Sunday, May 13, 2012

Ace's Journal Entry

For my sketch, I decided to draw the woods and rain to represent nature. In the book so far, there seems to be a strong respect for nature, even to the point where nature is given a name like the Jungle of Screaming Souls. It combines both supernatural and natural elements in that Kien and the other soldiers say that it contains ghosts and the "Forest Man" (p. 96-97). It is in the Jungle of Screaming Souls where most of Kien's battalion has been killed and where he has to go to perform his duty as the leader of the Remains-Gathering Team. Because most of his experiences are in these woods, they also serve as his inspiration to write his book.


  1. I'm glad you brought the forest up; it seems to get lost or blend in with the human focus of the storyline, but the natural aspects of the novel are just as important to the plot as any action by a character or through an event. I have come to believe that the forest/jungle provides the central backdrop to the themes of the book, and your picture and post concisely state its importance. Well done. :-)

    -Tim J.

  2. I too found that nature and the supernatural played an important role in the novel. Like you have mentioned the Jungle of Screaming Souls was an inspiration in Kien's book. It was said that the souls of the men who died in battle were trapped in the jungle which led to it being named the Jungle of Screaming Souls. Your depiction of the rainy forest nicely depicts the concept of how nature and other elements play important roles in Kien's writing process.


  3. I liked that you focused on the forest because I think it symbolizes a lot more than simply the war in the novel. It's almost like a direct representation of Kien himself, who has a "Screaming Soul" himself--full of unrest and turmoil.


  4. I really like how you focused on the nature aspect of the novel. Nature is described a great deal throughout the book, and I also believe that it holds an extremely important role. I also agree that it symbolizes more than war. It inspires his writing, and there are many references to nature.


  5. Yes, the jungle was definitely a force for Kien to reckon with. It hid the bodies of both the living and the dead, and Kien both uses it as cover and yet has to seek out its secrets as well. As Sapna mentions, I also see the chaos of the jungle as being represented in other areas of Kien's life as well. I also like how you bring in the rain, which also often pops up at key points in the novel.

